Newborn Photography Oklahoma | Baby K

I seriously have to pinch myself nearly everyday when I realize just how lucky I am to be able to do what I love for a JOB! I am so blessed beyond measure and I cannot thank each of my clients enough for trusting me to capture such special memories for them. I love each of you! <3

Darling Baby K had the most adorable face and cutest hair! He was such a sweetheart for me at his newborn photography session! Finally, enjoy a peek at a few images from his session. Thank you guys so very much! I look forward to the next time.


tulsa-owasso-jenks-claremore-tahlequah-muskogee-newborn-photographertulsa-owasso-jenks-claremore-tahlequah-muskogee-newborn-photographerApril-Stout-Photography-Oklahoma-baby-babies-newborns-photographstulsa-owasso-jenks-claremore-tahlequah-muskogee-newborn-photographerApril-Stout-Photography-Oklahoma-baby-babies-newborns-photographstulsa-owasso-jenks-claremore-tahlequah-muskogee-newborn-photographertulsa-owasso-jenks-claremore-tahlequah-muskogee-newborn-photographerNewborn Photography Oklahoma | April Stout is an award winning artist and serves all of Oklahoma. She is currently scheduling for all of 2019! Don’t delay! Call today to discuss a session for your newborn on the way, baby, child, or family! 918-381-2816

Broken Arrow Oklahoma newborn photography | Brady W

When Brady’s mom contacted me about setting up a newborn session for her sweet boy on the way and mentioned he had 3 older (fur) siblings that she wanted to incorporate in his session I was so excited! I love capturing YOU…Your family just the way you want to remember it. These fur babies, and of course darling Brady, were so amazing to capture. I’m so glad you brought all of them. Enjoy just a few from Brady’s newborn photography session below! Again, thank you for allowing me to photograph this perfect time. You have a beautiful family and I look forward to our next session together.


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Oklahoma’s Best Baby Photographer | Baby Girl Ifa

Oklahoma’s best baby photographer captured sweet baby A!

Darling little Ifa (E-Fay) visited the studio recently for her very first photography session. As you will see, she is just absolutely breathtaking! Ifa is the second daughter for the A family and I had the honor of capturing big sister as a newborn as well. Again, thank you all for allowing me the honor of capturing your gorgeous family. It was so nice seeing you all once again. Enjoy a peek into a few images from her newborn photography session below.

I am currently scheduling for all of 2019! Call me today to chat about a session for your family, newborn, or child. I’d love to visit with you about what I offer and what you are after for your session! 918-381-2816




Oklahoma’s best baby photographer, April Stout, is an award winning artist and is located near Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is one of the state’s most sought after newborn photographers.